Equine Dentist available at EquiTrain Barn
EquiTrain is excited to offer Fuller Veterinary Services on selected days at the barn.
Dr Jess Fuller - Vet
Phone Number - 027 248 6450
Email - jessfuller@hotmail.com
Fuller Vet is an equine veterinary business that focuses on routine and performance dentistry (soon to include specialty dentistry, acupuncture, and rehab modalities)! We look forward to working with you and improving the lives of the horses you love! Fuller Vet will be available for horses trained and agisted at EquiTrain, stream line the care of your horse while it is being trained! Sedation will be available and additional services provided if required.
What to expect with a first dental exam for a Yearling..
Check out Dr Jess Fuller explaining the reasons for dental exams for younger horses.
““Jess does a fantastic and thorough job. Being a Vet in her previous profession, she has wealth of knowledge. Highly recommend.” ”